Living Branch Lutheran Church

6486 Elm Street

North Branch, MN



9:00 am Worship Service

10:15 am Sunday School
If you have no church home, please come and visit Living Branch! We are a Christ-centered, Scripture-based congregation committed to serving the Lord with joyful hearts.

Projects and Events

Reformation 500
Early on in my time at Living Branch, it became evident to me that a lot of people were tired, that the congregation needed a time to catch our breath, regroup, and come back with a vengeance (of love). The time is now. We've had two years of events that were especially geared toward fellowship. It's time to get something more started.

We've decided to piggy-back off of excitement about the upcoming 500th anniversary of the Reformation
-On Sundays, starting this Advent, we'll switch to the 1 Year Lectionary, to be formed by hearing the same stories of God's grace year after year. 
-On Wednesdays, the WINGS theme this year is What Does This Mean, looking at the Small Catechism and the essence of our faith. 
-Small groups for 49 and younger have started, and the 50+ group should be starting up soon, too.
-Outreach is beginning to plan an Easter Egg Hunt for next Easter in Central Park. 
-There's talk of putting together a church-wide mission trip in a year or two, asking North Branch schools about neighborhood needs, parenting classes, and more.

Know how you can help or have a need not mentioned above? Let us know.

Summer Schedule

Worship Sundays at 9 AM

Game Night! Wednesdays at 6:30 PM

Sunday Worship Services

Traditional at 8:00 am

Contemporary at 10:30 am