"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the community, to the Breaking of Bread and the prayers." Acts 2:42
Sundays at Living Branch
What to expect
At Living Branch, worship is heaven on earth, where God comes to give gifts to His people. We are a welcoming, laid back community, ranging in age from 9 months to 99 years old. Most of us dress somewhere between casual and business casual, and our services are about an hour long.
For those with little ones
We are more than understanding of all the wiggles and noises that accompany children in worship. You are more than welcome to sit up front so your children can see what's going on. We have activity bags, a nursery, and a part of the service where they can come forward and learn about what we're talking about that day.
Summer Service Times
Our Sunday morning and Wednesday evening services follow the classic Christian pattern for worship, using a variety of songs and dialogues from different times and places to relive the Story of Life.
School-Year Bible Studies
Adults meet in the fellowship with coffee and donuts for an informal Bible study.
Youth meet in our bell loft for Bible study.
Children meet downstairs for Sunday School.
GROW Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Children 4-4th grade: WINGS- a weekly evening of songs, Bible stories, and activities Youth 5th-8th grade meet downstairs in one room for an older version of WINGS.
High School youth meet downstairs in another room for an evening of songs, games, and conversation. Adults meet in our entryway for an informal discussion.
Tuesday Afternoon Bible Study is every Tuesday at 1:00 PM during the school year.
Women's Ministry meets once a month on a Tuesday evening for an activity and Bible study.
Small Group Book Discussions
Those who enjoy reading and talking about it meet every third Sunday of the month at 6:00 PM at someone's home for a meal and casual book discussion.